Key West, FL



Welcome! My name is Alieza and my husband’s name is Chris and we have 2 rescue dogs named Tina and Lacie that are 8 and 5 years old. We have been together for 8 years and married 5years. We are both from the Sunshine State, Florida.

Chris is a Welder/Pipefitter by union trade, and I was a Medical Legal Assistant. In 2018 We made the decision to travel fulltime on the road for Chris’s job. We went in not knowing a single thing about living on the road or where to begin. We traveled long miles to find our home on wheels a 2019 Jayco Jayflight 28RLS.

We have been traveling for 4 years with Tina and Lacie in our travel trailer. We have created many memories and more to come. We want to thank you for taking the time to read about us. We hope that this blog sparks the adventure side. Visit us again!

With love,

The Driggers, pub-8626334443139655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0